Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Book Review: Arguments for the Existence of God

The book is a wonderful read of logic and philosophy. It covers the important aspects of ontology, cosmology and teleology in succinct form. Long sentences and some complex arguments will make you revisit the sentences/paragraphs to grasp the message. The book will not add much to the reader's understanding or acceptance/rejection of god, it will only provide a perspective on some the logic of the great philosophers who have dwelled into the subject. At the end the author fails to provide any logic or reasoning based argument on the topic and banks upon the ontological philosophy which has failed to satisfy the intellectuals like Kant long ago. However, the credit of summarizing different philosophies on existence of God must go to the author. The book will not help you to find any new argument or new theories or convincing argument for existence or non-existence of god. Read it only if you love philos0phy and logic, only if you strongly believe or strongly disbelieve in the existence of god.

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