Monday, February 24, 2014

Capital Punishment: Is It the Real Solution of Social Problems of India

India in recent times has noticed a strong protest against social crimes, especially for crimes against women. Many stakeholders, intellectuals and political leaders have recommended that a stricter law with capital punishment will be the solution to the problem; they believe that this would act as a deterrent.

However, a closer analysis reveals that such a proposition lacks deeper understanding of the social issues that the country faces. Before suggesting capital punishment should not we review whether we have managed to implement the existing rules? Should not we dive deeper into the reasons underlying the increasing incidents of such unacceptable behaviour of youths? If capital punishment has failed to stop murders in the country, how will it stop rapes and assaults?
Let us look at some of the issues that play a vital role in making the mentality of youth sick and biased.
Equal status to women
Unfortunately we have not managed to provide equal status to women in our society. Preference for male child is common even among the educated elites of the society. The biased sex ratio of the country is a huge indication of the accelerating social mayhem that the country is leading to. Sex ratio is going down with time and people cutting across income level and social class are overt about their liking for males. It is mere optimistic to expect that the capital punishment will solve the problem when we as a society lack behind in providing equal status to women.
Police Service
Our police service is closer to politicians and rich individuals than to the Indian mass. Rules and regulations are implemented depending on the economic income level and social image. A poor man getting tortured by police while filing an FIR is not uncommon in India. Then on what basis it is being expected that capital punishment will solve the basic roots of the issues. When it is difficult to lodge an FIR, no investigation is carried even one manages to lodge an FIR; how can the provision of capital punishment stop crimes.
Judicial System
If you are not a businessman or a politician, chances are high that you will get dates after dates before you actually know the judgement. Though higher courts like High Courts and Supreme Court have proved their commitment to the rule of land, lower courts are still notorious. When the judicial system is not robust, will capital punishment be awarded to the culprits who have man and muscle power?
The solution of the issues faced by the nations requires long term strategic investment in nation building activities including:
·         Providing better education access to all sections of the society
·         Building an atmosphere of gender equality and mutual respect
·         Ensuring speed and empathy in judicial system for timely implementation of existing rules
·         Investing in women and female children so that the sex ratio start improving

All these facets of eradicating crimes require time and effort. However any quick-fix solution will make the system even worse creating a feeling of distrust among masses and will take people farther away from the political and administrative process. 

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