Recently one of my friends narrated his experience with corruption- how he became a part of the corrupt act, that too inadvertently.
My good friend got transferred from Chennalore to Bangallei (don’t search this places in map, I just created them). Official transfer. He was entitled to relocation allowance. Relocation allowance always demands submission of receipt of relocation expenses. So there was additional burden of collecting receipt of each expense.
Bangallei welcomed my friend with lots of traffic. He got confused to see the traffic at 8 am in the morning. Thought it was a special day. Innocent didn’t know this is the hallmark of Bangallei. He had 3 bags which started troubling him as soon as he got down in the Majestic bus stand. An auto-rickshaw man rushed to him. Unlike Chennalore here people understood the national language. But my friend, with all his experience of Chennalore continued in international language. No issues. They also understood this.
Auto: Where do you want to go?
Friend: No reply. (He was trying to find out a prepaid taxi. The crowd and the luggage didn’t permit him to move and find out one).
Auto: Where?
Friend: Curse Course, Phase I
Auto: sit
Friend: How much?
Auto: Rs 250
My friend started looking at another auto.
Auto: How much will you pay?
Friend: Rs 100
Auto: Ok come.
My friend remembered he needs to provide a bill to reimburse this under relocation expense.
Friend: Just give me a bill. A hand written one will do.
Auto: Ok come with me I will give you a bill for Rs 100.
My poor friend thought the bill is for the Rs 100 he has to pay to the auto. The man asked him the amount to put him in the bill? Ans: Rs 100 is what I am going to pay. My friend paid Rs 100 expecting a bill of Rs 100. But he got a bill of Rs 450. He understood that inadvertently he has bribed Rs 100 to get a bill of Rs 450. Anyway now it’s time to reach Curse Course, auto will charge additional Rs 100.
The auto started moving. My friend started loving the cool climate of Bangallei. Many thoughts came to him. Most were positive and some were anxious thoughts on new place and new work.
The auto stopped at the Curse Course, Phase I.
Friend offered Rs 100 to the man as agreed.
Auto: Rs 100??? It’s Rs 250
Friend: You only said Rs 100
Auto: When? I said very first time it’s Rs 250
Friend: But then you agreed for Rs 100
Auto: Ohhhhh! Now I understand. I was bargaining with the other guy for some other place for Rs 100. You misunderstood it.
My poor friend extended another 150 rupees and said that he was not expecting to get cheated in early morning.
Auto: Errrrrr….who cheated? You paid Rs 100 to get a bill of Rs 450. You are the cheater. How on earth can you blame me? You shameless corrupt!!!
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