Relationship matters. From business families to politicians everywhere relationship has its value. The first few relationships that come into our mind are: mother-baby, husband-wife, teacher-student, master-servant etc. The relationship that excites people across age groups is friendship.
Let's dive bit deeper into the underlying principle of relationship. (No I have not done any research on this, just going to narrate as it comes to mind.)
Doesn't matter whether you are social, asocial or anti-social. Relationships are something you care for. The studious, hardworking guys make relationships with work, a sports person with games and sports, an introvert with himself. Let's not discuss these relationships here.
The focus of this post is workplace relationships. Workplace is a complex environment. The variables interact with themselves in unpredictable, unexpected manners. But this doesn't mean complex interactions of workplace variables are extremely difficult to decode. It requires skill. Skill to know people, their preferences. The most critical resource of an organization is its human capital. Not individual human beings, but the work teams. It's the team that makes the difference. When it comes to teams it comes to workplace relationships. (Workplace relation matter even if one is of some different team).
Workplace relationship comes from mutual understanding, trust and complementing each other.
Canteen, cafeteria are places where workplace relationships get the much desired boost.
Relationship weaving also requires personal conviction. Respecting differences and core elements of professionalism counts. Trust once broken, respect once lost is difficult to regain. But it is not impossible. The mistakes of weak moments could be amended by constant demonstration of will and intent to amend those mistakes.
At the end of the day the relationships make our life smoother and fulfilling. Makes our life enjoyable. Cultivating good working relationship is an art. The art could be mastered.
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