The title of this writing is inspired by his article where he says success is also about connectedness to a larger world existence along with many other things. For me being connected to a larger world existence essentially means to look beyond one’s own immediate surroundings, to accept the value of others and to generate the empathy and sympathy for others.
First, one must realize that there is a larger world. We have our own views, opinions and ideas. So have others. The viewpoints may differ depending on the context, situation and experience of the viewer. Accepting the existence of the larger world helps to accept the diversities inherent in this world.
Once there is a realization of larger world existence, it comes to getting connected to the larger world. Connectedness is more than acknowledging the presence of the larger world. Connectedness is about the feeling of empathy. It is about putting ourselves in other’s shoe to see the situation, to feel happy with the happiness of the larger world and to feel sad with the sadness of the larger world.
Many of us despite the knowledge of the existence of the larger world lack the connectedness. Many of us might have noticed some terribly surprising experience with the outcomes of this lack of connectedness. Students pursuing professional education like MBA, Engineering shouting in late night in public vehicles like train, making obscene gestures in public, using unprofessional words etc are result of the this lack of connectedness. When the so called future makes too much of noise in a public vehicle, it denies the fact that the noise hampers the sleep of multiple of people. When it uses unprofessional words, it denies the fact that it is disgusting for the people around. People say this intellectual group is role model for many. Forget about being role models, it is about the hollowness in the basic human values. It is about lack of sensitivity.
Life is more than educational qualifications and compensation packages. It is about being educated, about opening up the brain, heart and spirit. Being connected to larger world ensures that one truly contributes to the larger world. True contribution is more than donations to CSR activities and similar passive engagement. It is about inculcating the habit of respect for others. It is about making such habits spontaneous.
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