At present it is belived that democracy is perhaps the best method of governance. It provides an oppurtunity to people to empower themselves. Let's look into various aspects of this belief.
In our normal day-to-day life we have many times realised that we don't know the best. And if we don't know the best we can't select the best. For example, a common man hadly had any idea on the demerits of non-biodegradable products. Some companies came forward to educate and aware the common man and promised them better products. If this is the case with common products, what about things like GDP, international affairs, defence etc. Do you expect common man to know the intricacies of these complicated issues and vote. It is irony that we believe that these issues are important for any nation and the party with a better vision of these issues should come to power, at the same time we know that while selecting ther leaders of the nation the common man ignores these issues due to lack of information.
Is it appropriate to leave the future of a nation in the hands of people who fail to recognise what's best for the nation. The good thing about democracy that most of the people vote for the government that can address their local needs. Things like inflection, unemployment play a major role in decision making while voting.
With the growing population of educated mass it is expected that in future democracy will turn into a more matured and developed system. The governments will start viewing public as their customers. Customer who can have brand loyalty (many people have it when it comes to vote for political parties) and who is empowered to switch brand in case the brand fails to meet their expectations. A stage will come in a multi-democratic situation to achieve competitive advantage some political parties will start educating the public, creating awareness and sense of belonging. As a result the customers will become more and more powerful. The political parties will have to rely on constant improvement and innovations to meet the demands of the educated mass.
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