Sunday, May 18, 2014

Book Review: History of the World

The History of the World From the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century authored by Arjun Dev and Indira Arjun Dev is a wonderful read of the world history- concise and easy to comprehend. The authors have lucidly explained all the major incidents of the period using World War I, World War II and Cold War as the principal focal points.

The book is divided into five broad chapters: world before World War I, World War I, World between the two World Wars, World War II, and Post World War II. Each of the chapters covers all major and important incidents of the time that have a bearing on the way world politics is being shaped. The book also provides a bird's eye view on the major incidents that took place in the recent times be it US's war on Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

This book is extremely informative and is highly recommended if world history of the recent times interests you. The lucid descriptions, illustrative maps, interconnected themes makes it a easy read.