All the three businesses have their own set of challenges and Rogo has limited time and no investment to turn the loss making units to a gold mine. Here comes his skill to identify the UDEs (UnDesirable Effects), formulate Current and Future Reality Tree. Many times constructing these diagrams helps Rogo to visual a clearer and sharper image of the issues faced by the business and ways to challenge and change the business offering without any substantial investment.
Well, the last two chapter of the book moves into a newer issue- what is the right kind of business expansion strategy? Here also Rogo manages to convince his bosses that business has three prime objectives to fulfill:
1. To make money now and in future
2. To provide a secure and satisfying environment to employees now and in the future
3. To provide satisfaction to the market now and in the future
Rogo goes ahead to explain the merits of running business with these three fundamental goals and then comes up with a business expansion strategy that he feels appropriate.
Like Goal, It's Not Luck (Goal 2 in India) is a smooth and engaging read. You read a novel that sharpen your understanding of business- marketing, operations, people management and business strategy. A must read for managers and corporate leaders.