Asit is an Engineering student in Bhubaneswar. I met him today morning. I asked him
-Asit why did you join engineering?
-I am interested in it.
I became happy to hear this answer. At least Asit knows why he has joined Engineering. My case was different. I didn't know the answer. I had joined because my friends did so. I flowed with the trend (though my parents were aware of alternate career options like B COM). But then what used to be my answer when people were asking me why engineering. I don't recall. I am sure I used some impressive phrase to justify my answer. Is Asit doing the same?
I am not interested any more whether Asit knows the same or not. What difference is it going to make? Everyone wants to join Engineering because they feel it has good career prospects.
This may be the case with Asit. There is no option to do job in a few selected sectors and then deciding your area of specialisation. At a result of this while in a job a lot of people realise that the work they are doing is meaningless and is not adding any value to their life.
What will happen to Asit in case during his studies or after his studies he realises that Engineering is not the job for him. He always wanted to do something else but not engineering.
I don't want to see Asit in such dilemma. I must help him out.
But why? What will happen if Asit is suited for something else in life? He could regret his decision all the life and could spent a life without contributing anything meaningful to the society. He could realise that there is always a way to shift to the sector/field he wants to work. Then he would work effectively to develop him to make himself suitable for his desired sector/field. Let Asit learn his way out. Thank God! There are are so many MBA institutes who provide opportunities to people to shift to their desired field though MBA education.
I decided that I must not ask Asit any further question. My question will only confuse him further. Let time decide what Asit would do. He will learn his lesson with time. And who knows Asit could find joy in engineering.